On October 8th Ann Rose’s article “Fertilized Eggs Are NOT People!” appeared on the pro-choice blog RH Reality Check. Rose
claims the unborn at fertilization are not persons and tries to argue by means
of a reduction ad absurdum that fetal
personhood would lead to unacceptable consequences. She uses the upcoming vote in Mississippi to define
the unborn as persons as her springboard. Here are my responses to her. She writes (in red):
Here are some examples that come to mind of the possible impacts
this amendment would have. Add your own insane scenarios in the comments
1. A pregnant woman who goes out to dinner with family and
friends and accidentally picks up the wrong glass and has a swig of rum and
coke can be charged for child abuse.
No more than the woman who accidentally pours alcohol into her baby’s bottle.
The law would treat accidents like accidents. More to the point, I wonder if
Rose thinks women should ever be held liable for drinking while pregnant. I
mean to even say such an action is immoral would be to judge women and not
trust them, right?
2. What about pregnant illegal immigrants? The right
wing is pretty hot on getting them out of the country as fast as possible.
Well, this is going to be a big problem when the pregnant immigrant is actually
two people...one who is legal (the fertilized egg) and the other who is not
(the living, breathing woman). I guess at this point most folks trying to
avoid deportation should get pregnant and move to Mississippi and have their
"legal" zygote/fetus/child apply for welfare and medicaid.
I have no problem with
refusing to deport someone because they are pregnant. However, it is easier
from a logistical standpoint to grant citizenship by birth because conception
can be hard to determine. While a child waits to become a citizen, however,
they still have basic human rights (such as the right-to-life), just like all
other undocumented workers and other non-citizens in this country have.
3. Women who are found to have birth control pills could be
prosecuted for attempted murder. The
supreme irony here is that on the RH homepage right above Rose's link, Amanda Marcotte argued on RH Reality Check that the birth control pill does NOT affect an
embryo after fertilization. If this is true, and Marcotte is right, then Rose’s
point is moot and regular hormonal contraceptives would not be an issue.
4. If a pregnant woman wearing 2" heels trips and falls,
subsequently having a miscarriage, she could be prosecuted for manslaughter. No more than a woman who trips
while holding her newborn and kills him would be tried for manslaughter. We
would consider it a tragic accident.
5. When a woman has a life threatening ectopic pregnancy, who
decides which "person" gets to live and which "person" gets
to die? Rose
profoundly misunderstands ectopic pregnancy. In this case the embryo has
implanted outside of the uterus and there is virtually no chance the baby will
survive. Therefore, we save the life we can (which is the mother’s), just as we
would save a mother in a car accident if there was a 99% chance her pinned
child would die and doing nothing would also result in the mother’s death.
Treating the unborn as a valuable human being does nothing to undermine the
intrinsic value and rights of pregnant women.
6. Will an ultrasound picture be an acceptable form of ID for
the fetus/person to be able to travel out of the country? Will
"don't know yet" be acceptable as a category for gender? Children need ID’s so that
they when they travel abroad their well-being can be looked after and they won’t
simply be sold overseas for example. But the unborn aren’t going anywhere
before they are born. If they are born overseas, then they would simply be a citizen
of the country where they are born. Just because they aren’t citizens now doesn’t
mean they lack the right-to-life. As I said before, illegal immigrants aren’t citizens
but we treat them like persons.
7. How will any future candidate for President prove that they were
conceived/born in the United States? With a birth certificate,
since that’s all the constitution requires.
It’s almost a relief to think about how idiotic this amendment
Hello Pot, noticed you called my friend Kettle black.
Thought you two should meet.
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